2,888 research outputs found

    Contributo para a Interpretação do Fundamentalismo Islâmico

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    Apresentada a génese do conceito de fundamentalismo, a evolução desse fenómeno e o quadro conceptual das respectivas referências bíblicas, descreve-se o fundamentalismo islâmico e, com intenção comparativa, o entendimento que cristãos e muçulmanos fazem dos respectivos livros sagrados. O fundamentalismo está na moda, no sentido de ser um fenómeno que se observa em todo o mundo, fenómeno de configuração principalmente, embora não exclusivamente, religiosa. Na noção fundamentalismo entram variadas e, sobretudo, difusas atitudes de matriz política, social e religiosa, mas a sua marca distintiva é o acentuar de um ponto de vista tido como verdade absoluta e da negação, acoplada com aquele, de princípios da modernidade, tais como pluralismo, tolerância, relativismo e secularização. O termo serve para qualificar seitas bíblicas, o Islão xiita dos ayatolahs, o reaganismo de recente memória ... Em sentido amplo designa as várias formas de conservadorismo religioso ou sociopolítico, que se fazem acompanhar de rigorismos no campo moral, da nostalgia de uma inocência perdida e de integrismo desconfiado da mais simples novidade que seja. O conceito tem, em regra, registos' pejorativos, a sugerir a ideia de estreiteza de espírito, de fanatismo, de obscurantismo, de dureza espiritual, e, assim sendo, ninguém gosta de se ver apontado como fundamentalista; aliás, o termo condena mais do que qualifica

    Globalization and the Industrial Revolution

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    This paper argues that trade specialization played an indispensable role in supportingthe Industrial Revolution, allowing the economy to shift resources to the manufacturewithout facing food and raw materials shortage. In our arti cial economy, there are twosectors agriculture and manufacture and the economy is initially closed and under aMalthusian trap. In this economy the industrial revolution entails a transition towards adynamic Heckscher-Ohlin economy. The model reproduces the main stylized facts of thetransition to modern growth and globalization. We show that two-sectors closed-economymodels cannot explain the fall in the value of land relative to wages observed in the 19thcentury and that the transition in this case is much longer than that observed allowingfor trade.

    O progresso do conhecimento e o desenvolvimento cultural em Leonardo Coimbra e Bernard Lonergan

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    Leonardo Coimbra y Bernard Lonergan dialogan con Lucien Lévy-Bruhl en el contexto de sus reflexiones acerca del progreso del conocimiento y del desarrollo cultural. Lonergan divide la evolución histórica de la conciencia humana en cuatro estadíos de desarrollo: sentido común indiferenciado, sentido común dififerenciado, consciencia diferenciada y consciencia histórica. Leonardo Coimbra divide el desarrollo del pensamiento humano en tres grandes periodos: razón mítica, razón formal abstracta y razón experimental. Los dos autores consideran que hay una ascensión del pensamiento del nivel prelógico de la mítica conciencia indiferenciada, a un nivel lógico de la razón conceptual y analítica y de la razón experimental científica.Leonardo Coimbra and Bernard Lonergan Dialogue with Lucien Lévy-Bruhl in the context of their reflections on the progress of knowledge and culture development. Lonergan divide the historical evolution of human consciousness into four states of development: undifferentiated common sense, common sense differentiated, differentiated consciousness and historical consciousness. In turn, Leonardo Coimbra divides the development of human thinking into three main periods: mythical reason, Formal experimental abstract reason and reason. The two authors consider that there is an advance in thinking from the pre-logic level of undifferentiated mythical consciousness to the logical level of conceptual and analytical reason and onto the level of experimental scientific reason.Leonardo Coimbra e Bernard Lonergan dialogam com Lucien Lévy-Bruhl no contexto das suas reflexões acerca do progresso do conhecimento e do desenvolvimento cultural. Lonergan divide a evolução histórica da consciência humana em quatro estádios de desenvolvimento: senso comum indiferenciado, senso comum diferenciado, consciência diferenciada e consciência histórica. Leonardo Coimbra divide o desenvolvimento do pensamento humano em três grandes períodos: razão mítica, razão formal abstrata e razão experimental. Os dois autores consideram que há uma ascensão do pensamento do nível pré-lógico da mítica consciência indiferenciada para o nível lógico da razão conceptual e analítica e da razão experimental científica.peerReviewe

    A ressurreição pessoal e a espiritualização do Universo na filosofia escatológica "Del sentimiento trágico de la vida" de Miguel de Unamuno

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    Miguel de Unamuno cree que el final del universo será espiritual. La vida encierra un movimiento redentor que culminará en la salvación de toda la humanidad en el sentido de la apocatastase paulina de Orígenes. Esto no sólo se interrelacionan con la inmortalidad del alma en el sentido platónico, sino también con la resurrección del cuerpo en el sentido cristiano. La vida después de la muerte no consta de ninguna dilución en las conciencias de Dios sino en una relación personal con la conciencia de Dios y con todas las otras conciencias. Este futuro Paraiso consiste en la espiritualización de toda la creación en el ámbito de la garantía de la identidad individual de cada ser humano.Miguel de Unamuno believes the end of the Universe will be spiritualized. Life encloses a redemptive movement that shall culminate in the salvation of all of humanity in the apocatastasic sense heralded by Paul of Orígenes. This does not only interrelate with the immortality of the soul in the Platonic sense but also with the resurrection of the body in the Christian sense. Life beyond death does not consist of any dilution into the consciousnesses of God but instead in a personal relationship with God-Consciousness and with all the other consciousnesses. This future paradise consists of the spiritualization of all of creation within the scope of guaranteeing the individual identity of each being.Miguel de Unamuno acredita que no fim todo o Universo será espiritualizado. A vida encerra um movimento redentor, que culminará com a salvação de toda a humanidade, no sentido enunciado pela apocatástase paulina de Orígenes. Não se trata apenas da imortalidade da alma, no sentido platónico, mas sim da ressurreição do corpo, no sentido cristão. A vida para além da morte não consiste numa diluição das consciencias em Deus, mas sim numa relação pessoal com Deus-Consciência e com todas as outras consciências. O paraíso futuro consiste na espiritualização de toda a criação, em que será garantida a identidade individual de cada ser.peerReviewe

    Study and optimization of the memory management in Memcached

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    Over the years the Internet has become more popular than ever and web applications like Facebook and Twitter are gaining more users. This results in generation of more and more data by the users which has to be efficiently managed, because access speed is an important factor nowadays, a user will not wait no more than three seconds for a web page to load before abandoning the site. In-memory key-value stores like Memcached and Redis are used to speed up web applications by speeding up access to the data by decreasing the number of accesses to the slower data storage’s. The first implementation of Memcached, in the LiveJournal’s website, showed that by using 28 instances of Memcached on ten unique hosts, caching the most popular 30GB of data can achieve a hit rate around 92%, reducing the number of accesses to the database and reducing the response time considerably. Not all objects in cache take the same time to recompute, so this research is going to study and present a new cost aware memory management that is easy to integrate in a key-value store, with this approach being implemented in Memcached. The new memory management and cache will give some priority to key-value pairs that take longer to be recomputed. Instead of replacing Memcached’s replacement structure and its policy, we simply add a new segment in each structure that is capable of storing the more costly key-value pairs. Apart from this new segment in each replacement structure, we created a new dynamic cost-aware rebalancing policy in Memcached, giving more memory to store more costly key-value pairs. With the implementations of our approaches, we were able to offer a prototype that can be used to research the cost on the caching systems performance. In addition, we were able to improve in certain scenarios the access latency of the user and the total recomputation cost of the key-value stored in the system

    A Comissão de Desfavelamento e as representações da pobreza em Belo Horizonte na década de 1950

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    The present article analyzes photographs taken of the favelas in the city of Belo Horizonte from the Favela Extinction Commission. In 1955, this commission was created by the City Mayor, Celso Mello de Azevedo, in order to study and submit a solution for “the problem of the favelas”. The photographs were used in the social analysis reports and in the political rhetoric that justified the creation of a department for the “extinction of favelas” in Belo Horizonte. The images created a dialogue with the urban culture of the state capital, Belo Horizonte, from the perspective of engineers, lawyers and social workers from the Favela Extinction Commission, thereby creating a visuality that thereby justified a certain governability for the issue of favelas in the city.O artigo analisa as fotografias das favelas de Belo Horizonte elaboradas pela Comissão de Desfavelamento. Em 1955, a Comissão foi criada pelo prefeito Celso Mello de Azevedo para estudar e propor uma solução ao “problema das favelas”. As fotografias foram usadas nos relatórios de análise social e na retórica política que justificava a criação de um órgão para o “desfavelamento” de Belo Horizonte. As imagens dialogavam com a cultura urbana da capital do estado da época, e, com base no olhar de engenheiros, advogados e assistentes sociais da Comissão de Desfavelamento, criavam uma visualidade que justificava certa governabilidade para a questão das favelas na cidade

    Notes On Conservation Laws, Equations Of Motion Of Matter, And Particle Fields In Lorentzian And Teleparallel De Sitter Space-time Structures

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    We discuss the physics of interacting fields and particles living in a de Sitter Lorentzian manifold (dSLM), a submanifold of a 5-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean (5dPE) equipped with a metric tensor inherited from the metric of the 5dPE space. The dSLM is naturally oriented and time oriented and is the arena used to study the energy-momentum conservation law and equations of motion for physical systems living there. Two distinct de Sitter space-time structures M-dSL and M-dSTP are introduced given dSLM, the first equipped with the Levi-Civita connection of its metric field and the second with a metric compatible parallel connection. Both connections are used only as mathematical devices. Thus, for example, M-dSL is not supposed to be the model of any gravitational field in the General Relativity Theory (GRT). Misconceptions appearing in the literature concerning the motion of free particles in dSLM are clarified. Komar currents are introduced within Clifford bundle formalism permitting the presentation of Einstein equation as a Maxwell like equation and proving that in GRT there are infinitely many conserved currents. We prove that in GRT even when the appropriate Killing vector fields exist it is not possible to define a conserved energy-momentum covector as in special relativistic theories